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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

How to fix AX 2009 AIF Service Operation error "there is no schema associated with the specified class."

We usually get this error message when we do a data refresh from PROD to TEST / QA or DEV environments.

The Schema document for AIF Service Operations stored in a table called "AifSchemaStore" and  the reference data stored in "AifDocumentSchemaTable".

1. AifDocumentSchemaTable : -

2. AifSchemaStore : -

So when we do a data refresh I think sometimes the refRecid's wont synch (Which is happened in my environment).

Fix : So I found the record in AifDocumentSchemaTable using the AIF ClassId and deleted that record, then I re generated the service (Basic >> Setup >> AIF >> Service >> Click on Generate.

It recreated the new schema and stored in the AifSchemaStore and linked to AifDocumentSchemaTable record.

Then everything worked fine.

Note : This will also adds the service in Configuration screen too. You can better try this if you miss the service in AIF configuration screen.

This is only an advice to fix this issue, but try this at your own risk.